Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost

Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost

Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost is a flowering vine native to New Guinea. It is a member of the Apocynaceae family, commonly known as the milkweed family. Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost is an epiphytic plant, meaning it grows on other plants or structures for support, and does not require soil to survive. It is an evergreen vine, with thick, leathery leaves and a long, slender stem. The flowers of this Hoya species have a unique bell-shaped appearance and are white with yellow centers.

Tips For Growing Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost


Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost prefers bright, indirect sunlight, so it is best placed in a room with ample natural light. It can also tolerate some shade, but too much will cause the leaves to become pale and may prevent flowering. Avoid placing this plant in direct sunlight as it can cause the leaves to scorch.


Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost should be watered regularly, about once a week, but allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Overwatering can cause root rot and other issues, so it is important to make sure the soil is not overly wet. If the plant is placed in a humid environment, it may not need to be watered as frequently.


Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost should be fertilized during the active growing season, which is typically spring and summer. A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer should be used at half-strength, once a month. Do not fertilize during the winter months as the plant is in a rest period.


Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost should be pruned regularly to keep it healthy and in shape. Prune off any dead or dying leaves and stems, as well as any that are becoming leggy. Pruning will also encourage the plant to produce more flowers.


Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost should be repotted every two years or so, as the plant can quickly outgrow its pot. Use a potting mix that is well-draining and contains some organic material, such as peat moss or coco coir. When repotting, try to keep the roots as intact as possible.

Caring For Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost

Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost is a relatively easy plant to care for, as long as its basic needs are met. It will thrive in bright, indirect light and should be watered regularly and fertilized during the active growing season. Prune regularly to maintain the shape of the plant and to encourage flowering. Repot every two years to ensure the plant has enough room to grow.


Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost is a beautiful flowering vine native to New Guinea. It is an epiphytic plant that does not need soil to survive and prefers bright, indirect sunlight. It should be watered once a week and fertilized during the active growing season. Prune regularly and repot every two years to ensure the plant has enough room to grow. With proper care, this plant can be a beautiful addition to any home.

Images Related to Hoya Nicholsoniae New Guinea Ghost:

Hoyapassion: Z cyklu NOWOŚCI 2019 : Hoya nicholsoniae 'New Guinea Ghost' (NS16-006)

Hoyapassion: Z cyklu NOWOŚCI 2019 : Hoya nicholsoniae 'New Guinea Ghost' (NS16-006)
Image by hoyapassion.blogspot.com

US] selling hoya nicholsoniae 'new guinea ghost' cutting lightly rooted. $30. Shipping within US only. Not imported. PayPal/Venmo G&S : r/RareHouseplantsBST

US] selling hoya nicholsoniae 'new guinea ghost' cutting lightly rooted. $30. Shipping within US only. Not imported. PayPal/Venmo G&S : r/RareHouseplantsBST
Image by reddit.com

Hoya nicholsoniae 'New Guinea Ghost' (NS16-006) - HOYAPASSION

Hoya nicholsoniae 'New Guinea Ghost' (NS16-006) - HOYAPASSION
Image by hoyapassion.com

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